
제목 Jquery 라이브러리 입니다.
글쓴이 양승현 작성시각 2009/08/14 13:03:39
댓글 : 2 추천 : 0 스크랩 : 0 조회수 : 17983   RSS
<?php  if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); 

class Jquery { 

var $externalJquery= 'http://hbuilder.com/include/js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js'; 
var $jqueryScript=''; 

var $jqDocumentReady=false; //whether to automatically output $(document).ready()stuff 

var $externalScripts=array(); 
var $errors=array(); 

//php4 constructor points to php5 constructor 
function Jquery(){ 
//php5 constructor 
function __constructor(){ 

  //from php.net 
  //in php4 http_build_query is not available, this is a handwritten version 
  //php5 has such a function //is used for POST and GET stuff 
  if (!function_exists('http_build_query')) { 
        function http_build_query($data, $prefix='', $sep='', $key='') { 
           $ret = array(); 
           foreach ((array)$data as $k => $v) { 
               if (is_int($k) && $prefix != null) $k = urlencode($prefix . $k); 
               if (!empty($key)) $k = $key.'['.urlencode($k).']'; 
               if (is_array($v) || is_object($v)) 
                   array_push($ret, http_build_query($v, '', $sep, $k)); 
               else    array_push($ret, $k.'='.urlencode($v)); 
           if (empty($sep)) $sep = ini_get('arg_separator.output'); 
           return implode($sep, $ret); 
//set the url of jquery.js //defaults to jquery.js but if you want to alter name/path  
function setExternalJquery($url){ 

//add external script like <script src='$url' type='text/javascript'>, loads into an array to be looped in the final jqeury process 
function addExternalScript($url,$type='text/javascript'){ 
  $this->externalScripts[]='<script type="'.$type.'"  src="'.$url.'"></script>'; 
  return true; 
//sets $this->jqueryScript 
function setJqueryScript($script=''){ 

  return true; 

//appends $script to $this->jqueryScript 
function addJqueryScript($script=''){ 

  $this->setJqueryScript($this->jqueryScript . $script); 
  return true;   
//outputs the variable $this->jqueryScript (no <script> stuff, handy if you want to load some jquery via ajax) 
function printJqueryScript(){ 
  echo $this->jqueryScript; 
//If set to true $(document).ready(function(){ $this->jqueryScript }); will be outputted, instead of without the $(document).ready stuff //saves a line of code that is often used. Defaults to false 
function setJqDocumentReady($int){ 
  return true; 
function jQueryError($error, $description=false){ 
  $this->errors[]=$error . ' - '. $description; 
  return true; 
///outputs the entire Jquery Javascript stuff, including the externally loaded scripts. 
function processJquery(){ 
  $result= '<script type="text/javascript"  src="'.$this->externalJquery.'"></script>'; 

  foreach($this->externalScripts as $externalScript){ 
  if(!empty($this->errors)) { 
    $result.='<script type="text/javascript">'; 
    foreach($this->errors as $error) 
    return $result; 
  $result.='<script type="text/javascript">'; 
  if($this->jqDocumentReady==true) $this->jqueryScript='$(document).ready(function(){'. $this->jqueryScript . '});'; 

  return $result; 
    //outputs the script, include <script> stuff 
  function printJquery(){ 
    return $this->processJquery(); 

    function JqueryObject($instanceName,$type){ 
  if($type=='ajax') $oName='JqueryAjax'; 
  elseif($type=='assign') $oName='JqueryAssign'; 
  elseif($type=='event') $oName='JqueryEvent'; 
  $this->$instanceName=new $oName(); 
    function addJqueryObject($instanceName){ 
    function getJqueryObject($instanceName){ 
      return $result;//$this->getJqueryScript($result); 


class JqueryEvent{ 

  var $script; 
  var $eventType='bind'; 
  var $value='ddddd'; 
  var $elementName; 
  var $objectName; 
  var $event='click'; 
  function JqueryEvent(){} 

  function assignEventTo($elementName){ 
  function assignJavascript($script){ 
  function assignType($eventType){ //Bind, Unbind that list 
  function assignEvent($event){ 
  function getJquery(){ 
   return '$("'.$this->elementName.'").'.$this->eventType.'("'.$this->event.'",'.$this->script.');'; 

class JqueryAjax{ 

var $ajaxTypes=array(); 
var $ajaxDataTypes=array(); 

var $requestType='POST'; 
var $datatype='html'; 
var $data=array(); 
var $url=false; 
var $success_function=false; 
var $errors=array(); 
function JqueryAjax(){ 

function __constructor($dd='',$ss='',$sa=''){ 


function jQueryAjaxError($error, $description=false){ 
  $this->errors[]=$error . ' - '. $description; 
function setDataType($datatype){ 

  if(!in_array($this->datatype,$this->ajaxDataTypes))  $this->jQueryAjaxError('Wrong datatype given','$datatype = '.$this->datatype); 
function setRequestType($requestType){ 
    if(!in_array($this->requestType,$this->ajaxTypes))  $this->jQueryAjaxError('Wrong type given','$type = '.$this->requestType); 
function setRequestUrl($url){ 
function setSuccessFunction($script){ 
function setDataRaw($data){ 

  function setData($data){ 
    if(!$this->data=http_build_query($data))  $this->jQueryAjaxError('Wrong data given','$data'.$this->data); 
  function getJquery(){ 
  $ajaxCall.=' type: "'.$this->requestType .'"'; 
  $ajaxCall.=', url: "'.$this->url.'"'; 
  $ajaxCall.=', data: "'.$this->data.'"' ; 
  $ajaxCall.=', dataType: "'.$this->datatype.'"' ; 
  if($this->success_function!=false) $ajaxCall.=',success: function(data) {' .$this->success_function .'}'; 
  return $ajaxCall; 


class JqueryAssign{ 
  var $script; 
  var $location='after'; 
  var $value='ddddd'; 
  var $elementName; 
  var $objectName; 

  function JqueryAssign(){ 

  function assignValueTo($elementName){ 
  function assignValue($value){ 

  function assignLocation($location){ 
  function getJquery(){ 
  return '$("'.$this->elementName.'").'.$this->location.'(" '.$this->value.' " );'; 
사용방법은 아래처럼 라이브러리를 로드한후 해당 스크립트 파일을 불러오면 됩니다.

//load jQuery Boxy plugin

//add $(document).ready(){ } stuff, saves a line of code to write
따로 뷰페이지에서 스크립트 파일을 불러서 사용하셔도 되구용..
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변종원(웅파) / 2009/08/14 13:18:53 / 추천 0
jquery  짱!!!!
듬직이 / 2009/08/17 20:39:30 / 추천 0

찾아 보니.. 이런것도 있네요.